Stuff I’m Reading

So I just finished Sarah Hoyt’s Darkship Renegades (sequel to Darkship Thieves) and it was great. Very fast paced and with a lot of cool new concepts introduced on top of what was in the first novel. I’m looking quite forward to also reading the sequel that looks to take place directly after it (though I’m guessing following different main characters), A Few Good Men.

Right now, though, I’m in the middle of the Jack Handey’s (of SNL “Deep Thoughts” fame) novel The Stench of Honolulu. It’s as if a bunch of the Deep Thoughts were all squished together in a single narrative; there’s hardly a sentence without a joke in it. It’s almost tiring. I guess that’s why most of the chapters are only two pages.

Favorite line so far: “I had dreams once. Once I wanted to build the world’s longest suspension bridge. But then I found out someone else had already done it.”


  1. I haven’t read the Darkship stuff, except for the free previews that Baen uses to get you hooked; I have read two of the Draw One in the Dark (shapeshifter) series, and they are good.

    I want to get over to Larry Correia’s site and tell him we trod some of the same ground stateside. His Monster Hunter International has what I think is one of the best opening lines I’ve read in a novel (OK, it’s two sentences): “On one otherwise normal Tuesday evening I had the chance to live the American dream. I was able to throw my incompetent jackass of a boss from a fourteenth-story window.”

    Mostly, of course, I wait for Baen to release the next Honor Harrington novel.

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