Is This a Fundraising Letter or a Parody of a Fundraising Letter?

Stealthy Opposition Researcher Derek of Awesometific American [High Praise!] got this in his inbox:

Right now, the hard work we’ve put in to get our economy back on track is at risk. And there’s only one reason for it: A group of far-right Republicans in Congress is obsessed with making an ideological point.

They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen. Now, we’re left with only four days before a government shutdown.

This is reckless and irresponsible. Republicans are not focused on what’s best for you. They’re playing political games.

I called House Speaker John Boehner the other night to tell him that Americans like you have worked too long and too hard to dig our nation out of the financial crisis, and the last thing we need is for Washington to manufacture another.

I want to make sure that message gets through. Add your voice — remind Speaker Boehner that Congress has a job to do.

Passing a budget is the most basic duty the Constitution gives to Congress.

Congress needs to hear from the people who sent them to Washington.

As we get closer to the September 30th deadline, that might mean picking up the phone, getting the facts out to friends on social media, or showing up at your local congressional office. OFA will be asking a lot of you, and I hope you’ll get involved.

Start today by telling Speaker Boehner that Congress must come together to pass a budget:

Thank you,


Derek’s commentary:

I signed up for Obama to send me email mainly because I like funny things (hey I read IMAO after all) so this is the one I got from him today blaming Republicans for the shut down. I love the last part where it suddenly seems that after 5 years he is finally concerned with passing a budget.

There are so many inaccurate statements that I think they are pandering to the same crowd that responds to emails from exlied Nigerian princes. Like this is a vote for another continuing resolution and not an actual budget. Also he called Boehner to urge him to pass it even though they already voted days ago and now it is in the Senate and the ball is in their court.


  1. “far-right Republicans” – aka “Conservatives.” The remaining Republicans are RINO’s who don’t make ideological points or even have an ideology.

    “ideological point” – Such as? He fails to identify the point they’re trying to make.

    “budget” – He wants a budget now? He couldn’t get a budget when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and he was fine with that. No, he wants a continuing resolution blank check with a raised debt ceiling.

  2. They equate the economy with the government.
    Here’s an idea; let’s see which can survive longest – the economy without the federal government riding its back, or the federal government without tax revenue from the economy?

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