Random Thoughts: Least Awful Choice

Maybe I don’t understand the situation in Syria, but have they tried gun control?

It shouldn’t be our goal to win wars. Wars should be like Minecraft; you just kinda wander around and do random things until you get bored.

If we bomb enough countries in the Middle East, something good is bound to happen.

I believe in the Just War Doctrine.
“Why are you visiting this country? Business or tourism?”
“Neither. Just war.”

John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sammich, invented misogyny.

Oh, John Kerry really is Secretary of State? I just thought that was some joke riff Twitter has been on for the past several months.

With Syria, it’s up to Obama to make the least awful choice since the American people failed at that in the last two presidential elections.

We want America’s enemies to know that if they use chemical weapons, our response against them will be extremely limited.

Maybe Obama could convince more Republicans to side with him if he apologized for his immature, partisan opposition to the Iraq war.

I’m just assuming Obama considers that immature and partisan – squaring it with his rhetoric on Syria, that is.

Obama has learned from Bush’s mistake: Don’t be a Republican when going to war.

Assad, we’re going to mess you up so bad that afterwards you’re going to look like John Kerry.

I’ve been doing a lot of research into Syria and I’ve almost figured out what continent it’s on. It’s either Asia or Africa.

“It’s not a war; we’re just going to drop some bombs on them. Stuff blows up in the Middle East all the time; they don’t care.”

All our dumb chickenhawk arguments from years ago are smart now.

Chris Matthews once tried doing a Sudoku puzzle and his brain overheated and he collapsed into a coma.

Do bicyclists understand that all drivers hate them?


  1. This is a great opportunity for Conservatives.
    No one is talking about the Realpolitik of our situation.

    If Obama attacks Syria he is committing High Treason.
    Giving Aid or Comfort to the enemy is the definition of Treason.

    Providing equipment, supplies, protection or cover for Al Qaida, its affiliates, allies and dependents will be the execution of Treason.
    We will not only have criminal charges against the President, but incriminations on record for all Treasonous members of Congress.

    A Purge and the Legal System can then rid us of them forever.

  2. So, when I said in a press conference that my calculus about what’s happening in Syria would be altered by the use of chemical weapons, which the overwhelming consensus of humanity says is wrong, that wasn’t something I just kind of made up. – Barack Obama in Sweden

    “my calculus”

    I’d like to see this President actually do some Calculus. And if he flubs it, he has to resign.

  3. How ’bout we all pick a day and just sit down for a bloody hour ? On a day with some meaning,….like 9/11 or Constitution Day, an odd-numbered Friday, or 11/11.
    It’s something we can all do, one hour ain’t so awful-much and imagine the reactions.
    ….so let’s make it clear why we’re all taking a break.
    ” Barry,… we don’t like you, or much-anything about you. Bite us all, coast to coast, in order…”

  4. @4 jw:

    Maybe he meant “cuniculus” :

    1. A small conduit or burrow, as an underground drain or rabbit hole.
    2. A low tunnel, as to a burial chamber.
    3. Pathology. a burrow in the skin caused by the itch mite.

  5. A Purge and the Legal System can then rid us of them forever.

    Erm…three words put the joke to that noble aspiration: Chief Justice Roberts

    If you still have a vestigial faith in the legal system…well…good luck with that.

    Faith in schnooks in black robes is faith misplaced.

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