About That Debt Limit Deal

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

Jon Stewart on Obamacare

[High Praise! to The Gormogons]

CAUTION: It’s Jon Stewart, so there’s censored cursing and analogies of questionable taste, but even yonder liberal lap-Yorkie has not a single kind word for this Gordian Knot of bureaucratic fever dreams.

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #696,140)

UPDATE: Video got pulled. Try this link.

It’s Hulu, so it’s got an annoying up-front ad, but the video clip I posted above was the first segment of the show, so you get to the point in fairly short order.

Stranger Danger!

A number of states are warning citizens to beware of “bad actors” when using Obamacare exchanges.

Not sure if that refers to Hollywood celebrities who keep telling us how great Obamacare is.


[High Praise! to Traction Control]

Is is just me, or do does her grin look a little too much like this for comfort?:

Link of the Day: These People Were Not Invited to Obama’s ACA Speech

[High Praise! to The Matt Walsh Blog]

The Definitive Guide to How Obamacare is Destroying American Lives

You won’t be able to read the whole thing.

Oh, you’ll START reading… then you’ll start skimming… then you’ll finally give up and just start scrolling downward as fast as you can, with your brain screaming in utter cerebral-overloaded horror at how this list just keeps going on and on and on for what seems like light years.

THIS is the truth of Obamacare.

Which is only just beginning to be implemented.

Click over.

Scroll to the bottom.

You at least owe yourself one honest, unflinching look at the darkness poised to swallow our nation.

Except… you WILL flinch.

It’s ok. So did I.

It just proves you still have a soul.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Wisdom of the Day: Bees Smash Wendy Bond Kinky

Their Dirigible Factory’s Not Doing So Hot, Either

The National Security Agency’s mega spy center in Utah has had 10 electrical fires in the last 13 months, causing $1 million in damages.

Say, isn’t this the same electricity Obama wants our cars to run on?

Obama Warned Us – War

The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable. We may have occasion in our lifetime to once again rise up in defense of our freedom, and pay the wages of war. But we ought not — we will not — travel down that hellish path blindly.

BARACK OBAMA, speech, Oct. 2, 2002

“…until I’m President.”

You’ve Been Judged!

Anonymiss of Nuking Politics picked her favorite punchlines to “If You Call the Obamacare Hotline Number…

Click here to see if you made the cut.


If you did, you should probably email Keln about becoming a guest blogger there.

If you didn’t, Anonymiss has got another straight line for you to practice on.

Keep trying. No one likes a quitter.

Straight Line of the Day: A New Report Shows That $1 Billion a Day Is Spent Fighting Global Warming. The Result:

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A new report shows that $1 billion a day is spent fighting global warming. The result:

Maybe they paid by the word

The New York Times reports that the Obamacare Website contains 500-million lines of code.

That’s a lot. That’s like a million, but 500 times that.

Developer Alex Marchant decided to do a comparison of Healthcare.gov and other applications. And it ain’t pretty.

[Alex Marchant blog]

It’s bigger than Windows XP. It’s bigger than Facebook. It’s bigger than OS X Tiger (which had code to support both Intel and RISC chips).

I suppose it’s part of the government logic to throw more at it. When their programs fail, they throw more money at it. When regulations fail, they throw more regulations at it. And, that same logic gets us a Website that’s 6 times bigger than Facebook and is not nearly as secure. Or helpful.

Maybe if they improved the Obamacare site by adding Candy Crush.

Instead, of wallet crush.

Random Thoughts: Durbin, Javascript, and Anchorman

They can say the Tea Party are unhinged nutballs, but they can’t say they’re wrong about anything.

“We have to stop these extremist crazies who were exactly right about what a disaster Obamacare would be!”

“We’ll make you the webbiest website ever! Only $400 million.”
*whispers to colleagues*
“Run to the library and look up what a website is.”

Don’t know the names of all three people who put the Obamacare website together, but the leader was named Moe.

In defense of the fictional GOP House Leader, I think about half Americans can’t stand to look at the president anymore. He’s just awful.

Who are you gonna believe? Dick Durbin or the guy Republicans can’t stand to look at?

Obama is threatening to shut down the government if Obamacare isn’t delayed.

I always hated you, javascript, but I might owe you one this time.

I feel like I have to go back and rewatch Anchorman because I remember parts of it were funny but it overall wasn’t memorable to me.

The trailer for the sequel got a few laughs out of me. “Nope.”

Healthcare.gov got 99 problems but a glitch ain’t one.

Perfectly Safe

Lawyers for a 420-pound Gitmo inmate argue he should be released because his obesity-related illnesses prevent him from being a threat.

Oh… so bomb-belts don’t come in 4XL?