Link of the Day: These People Were Not Invited to Obama’s ACA Speech

[High Praise! to The Matt Walsh Blog]

The Definitive Guide to How Obamacare is Destroying American Lives

You won’t be able to read the whole thing.

Oh, you’ll START reading… then you’ll start skimming… then you’ll finally give up and just start scrolling downward as fast as you can, with your brain screaming in utter cerebral-overloaded horror at how this list just keeps going on and on and on for what seems like light years.

THIS is the truth of Obamacare.

Which is only just beginning to be implemented.

Click over.

Scroll to the bottom.

You at least owe yourself one honest, unflinching look at the darkness poised to swallow our nation.

Except… you WILL flinch.

It’s ok. So did I.

It just proves you still have a soul.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


  1. I flinched a LONG time ago, Harvey.

    Now, I’m just twitching (Twitchy?).

    Soon, it’ll be “game, set and match.”

    Wait. Wrong metaphor. “Game 7, behind 3 games to 2, down 6-0, bottom of the 9th, nobody on, two outs, count is 0-2.”

    Swing and a miss! Jeb Bush is our nominee in 2016!

    President Hillary Clinton.

  2. harvey, you were right. i couldn’t read it all. i did find myself wondering something, however. how many of those people voted for obama? lots is my guess. way too many stories started “single mom” or with an age in 20s or low thirties. demographics that went heavily obama. that doesn’t make their pain less, but if you voted obama or didn’t vote i have no sympathy. none.

    i’m pretty certain that my soul died in the flames of my outrage.

  3. jw:
    My first thought was similar to yours, re, no sympathy if you voted for the jug-eared fraud. I took a step back to think about it, and realized that it’s not necessarily so cut and dried.

    These people often have no awareness of the political aspect of things in their lives. They take their politicians, and a lying media constantly feeds them lies to support them. It isn’t until something like this smacks them between the eyes that they can even begin to comprehend the horrifying reality of what big government is really all about, which is, whatever is good for big government and the peasants be damned.

    These are still real people and their suffering does not deserve to be so easily put aside just because they were taken in by a pack of scoundrels. I have liberal family members being caught up in this mess, who are bewildered that so much of what they thought was so, just wasn’t. I fervently pray that this unfolding disaster marks the beginning of millions of epiphanies as its victims begin to catch their first real glimpse of the monster behind the mask.

    That being said, for those pathetic true believers that will seek to cast the blame anywhere but where it truly lies, and continue to support the big government cabal, well, my heart will just pump p*ss for them.

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