Tweeting hooters

TweetingBraNow they have a bra that tweets.


According to a report in Times of India, there’s a bra that sends a tweet every time it’s unclasped. It only tweets in Greek, though. Which, I assume, means the guy undoing the bra from its wearer is looking directly at the clasp. (Some of you will get that. The rest of you, don’t worry about it.) But enough of that.

I suppose it’s for a good cause. It’s to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And, if letting the world know your boobies have been unleashed increases Breast Cancer Awareness, then, yeah.

I have a feeling, though, that it won’t be long before this technology is used for less worthwhile causes. Like promoting Obamacare.

For instance, every time a body bag is zipped up, the Obamacare Twitter account tweets that the Death Panels have scored another win.

Until that day — and it’s probably not that far off — we’re content with Greek Boobie Tweets.

Its all we have before we all go tits up.


  1. Will Sandra Fluke overload Twitter’s servers?

    If so, it couldn’t really be called a “denial of service” attack, could it?

    Will Twitter and “tweet” lost their “w’s”?

    …Burning questions.

  2. I can’t think of a single use for such a thing. As if the internet isn’t already overloaded with trivia about people’s breakfasts and thoughts in under 140 characters, now we are also going to create a permanently crate an archive of when women are taking their bras off. Really. What’s the point?

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