Straight Line of the Day: Obama Is Asking Health Insurers to Help Fix Also Lending a Hand…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Obama is asking health insurers to help fix Also lending a hand…


  1. …is Anonymiss, who has been tasked with the all-important cookie control.

    …will become an activity taxed at confiscatory rates, so that there will be more of it (isn’t that Big Government’s overarching principle?).

  2. Obama is asking health insurers to help fix Also lending a hand…

    All the best and brightest cookie bakers in the land. Unfortunately they forget Anonymiss so were doomed to failure.

  3. Obama is asking health insurers to help fix Also lending a hand…

    A whole parcel of unemployed “Wymens Studies” majors from Harvard.


    Bergholt Stuttley Johnson and Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler

  4. …anyone with directions to Saddam Hussein’s old spider hole.

    …”Male Enhancement” spammers, will be happy to sign anyone up for just opening their emails.

    …no names given, but when you wake up in a motel bathtub full of ice the phone number and web address of will be written in Sharpie above the stitches in your abdomen.

    …oddly enough, Obama. He will quit issuing orders to make them an offer they can’t refuse in his Don Corleone voice and let people make the choice to die penniless and alone or penniless and Obamacare members of their own free will.

  5. [not an official answer, just a thought that comes to mind, inspired by Writer, above]

    Have the NSA take care of the website. Now the new user experience:

    Enter the site. You don’t have to log in, they know who you are. You don’t need a password, because they’ll just break it. You don’t have to enter any info, they already have it. When they’ve calculated premiums and features, you don’t have to select anything, they’ll use their Google software to determine your preferences and pick one for you. You don’t have to submit payment, they’ll just deduct it from your checking account.

  6. …diseases, especially viruses.

    …death panels.

    …Sanjay from the helpdesk in India

    …Jen Barber from the I.T. Crowd

    …dozens of MBA’s and poli-sci graduates.

    …several thousand deceased Chicago voters contracted by a company owned by a personal friend of the Obamas.

    …NOT BushCheneyHalliburton!

  7. also lawyers to sue the original Canadian programing team and all the canucks who have been rolling on the floor laughing at us for paying them even more after they messed it up the first go round.

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