Also, Nut-Allergy Warnings on Jars of Peanut Butter

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]

[title reference link]


  1. More than twenty years back, a product that I bought included a warning mandated by the state of California (mandated by proposition 58, which means that it was passed by the voters) informing me that using the product might expose me to toxic substances. The product was a shower head.

  2. Pingback: Pedophilia is a Sexual Orientation, Scenes of privation, More | IOWADAWG'S BLAWG

  3. It’s actually a meta-joke: apparently, so many Obama voters were being sucked into an endless spiral by the old-style directions
    “Lather, rinse, repeat”
    the shampoo companies now have to add the words “if desired”!

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