Even Stupider Than Jar-Jar and Midichlorians

A study published in the British Medical Journal shows that one in two hundred women in the United States reported being pregnant and giving birth without ever having sexual intercourse.

All of whom have now been sued by George Lucas for plagiarizing “The Phantom Menace”.


  1. A study published in the British Medical Journal shows that one in two hundred 5 women in the United States reported being pregnant and giving birth without ever remembering having sexual intercourse.

    There, I fixed it
    They let you skip right over the “who’s the father” question on the application so I don’t see why they need to lie about it for some stupid British study.

    I’d say my study is at least as accurate as theirs.

  2. Slight edit to #6:

    A study published in the British Medical Journal shows that one in two hundred 5 women in the United States reported being pregnant and giving birth, remembering having sexual intercourse but not having a clue as to the identity or whereabouts of with whom they had it.

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