Obama Warned Us – Mopping Up

When, you know, I’m busy and Nancy [Pelosi] is busy with our mop, cleaning up somebody else’s mess — we don’t want somebody sitting back saying, you’re not holding the mop the right way. (Applause.) Why don’t you grab a mop, why don’t you help clean up. (Applause.) You’re not mopping fast enough. (Laughter.) That’s a socialist mop. (Laughter and applause.) Grab a mop — let’s get to work.

BARACK OBAMA, speech at DNC fundraising reception, Oct. 15, 2009

“Don’t laugh. I wasn’t kidding about that socialist mop thing.”


  1. I dunno; it does have a certain wring to it. Let’s hope he doesn’t get Swiffer-boated. Or have his Lysol exposed.

    Nah; the liberal media and the establishment GOP would prevent that: Rather, Rense, repeat.

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