Straight Line of the Day: Google’s New Robot Topped All Challengers in a Pentagon Contest. Its Most Impressive Feature…

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Google’s new robot topped all challengers in a Pentagon contest. Its most impressive feature…


  1. … its ability to kiss up to Pentagon decision makers
    … its ability to spend crazy amounts of money needlessly
    … destroying all PCs with Bing installed
    … finding its way out of a paper bag
    … giving Lewinskys
    … voting (D) multiple times in the same election

  2. Google’s new robot topped all challengers in a Pentagon contest. Its most impressive feature…

    … is its ability to create a working website when combined with one thousand monkeys and five hundred million dollars of misappropriated funds.

  3. Google’s new robot topped all challengers in a Pentagon contest. Its most impressive feature…

    It was superior to humans in the ‘desire to replicate’ test and quickly figured out how to use cookies in its quest.

  4. Google’s new robot topped all challengers in a Pentagon contest. Its most impressive feature is its ability to mimic the Commander in Chief. It capitulates, thoughtfully considers, stonewalls, bows, and ends the careers of generals. It’s pretty much useless to the military, but it’ll fit right in with the State Department diplomatic corps.

  5. Its most impressive feature… was being able to auto-complete commands as they were entered.

    Which, of course, led to some interesting actions during the testing when it tried to…. umm…. if a dog did it you would call it humping…. three of the judges.

  6. Its most impressive feature… it rewrites history to insert itself into the forefront of well-known events: from the fast-roping into the Bin Laden compound to the March on Selma to scaling the cliffs at Point Du Hoc…it will have been there.

  7. …being a robot it is not carnivorous so Google will only extract it’s usual pound of flesh per use.

    …being less robotic, it’s second chakra is more easily released than Al Gore’s.

    …will do jobs even the TSA can’t do with a straight face.

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