Ask Me Nicely

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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Just in Time for Memorial Day

Yes, the salt-shooting, fly-killing shotgun – once a mere crowd-funded pipedream – is now a reality and available at Amazon:

[Bug-A-Salt in Action!!] (Viewer #245,633)

No Habla

Dartmouth College canceled a charity fundraising event because one student complained that the word “fiesta” was racist.

Would it be racist to describe this as “estupido”?

Huh. I Always Thought It Tasted Like Time

(Submitted by Anonymiss of Nuking Politics [High Praise!])

Link of the Day: Satire – Income Protection and Affordability Act – “O’pportunity”

[High Praise! to The People’s Cube]

Income Protection and Affordability Act – “O’pportunity”

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Wisdom of the Day: Check Mustache Privilege Cakewalk

It’s the Only Logical Response

A new word-discouragement campaign at Duke University says that phrases such as “man up” use offensive gender-stereotypes.

So? What’ll they do if you say it? Hit you like a girl?

Obama Warned Us – Fair Pay

This is important: It’s time to give 28 million workers a raise. #RaiseTheWage


“Just not the women working for the White House.”

Straight Line of the Day: After Spending Over 5 Billion Dollars on Obamacare Websites…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

After spending over 5 billion dollars on Obamacare websites…


No particular reason for this, other than it’s cool. I love movies, and have seen a bunch of the films in this. But not all.

[The YouTube]

I have several of the early Georges Méliès shorts. Some of his effects still hold up well. Some don’t. But it’s all fun.

Come to think of it, I need to post some of his works. You might not care about it, but I’d enjoy it.

Random Thoughts: Ryu, Buzzwords, and the Flash

I hate writing. I like coming up with clever ideas and then sharing those ideas. Writing is the annoying thing in between.

I fully support the Skittles changing green to be apple flavored. Having both lemon and lime flavors is just lazy.

Lemon and lime are the Ken and Ryu of candy flavors.

It’s been more than 20 years since I first played Street Fighter 2, and I still have no idea how to pronounce “Ryu.”

I always pronounced it “Rye-u”, but I suspect that’s wrong.

This stream of consciousness was brought to you by Skittles… now with green apple flavor!

According to this article, the answer on how to pronounce Ryu is don’t if you’re not native Japanese.

Apparently it’s ree-Yoo, but one syllable and the ree is so faint that all the sound clips of pronunciations sound like someone just saying “you.”

Chicks dig guys that pay them less.

I’m sophisticated. I’ve been to New York City before. I went to the art museum with the T. rex skeleton statue.

“Minimum wage is now $10 an hour!”
“Nope. Minimum wage is still $0. You’re fired. Meet your computer replacement.”

“Life begins at conception” such a simple concept that you have to act really stupid to pretend to be confused by it.

So they talked to ob-gyns about a generally biology question to act like the other guy is dumb about science.

Maybe this is a microaggression from my white privilege, but people don’t take things seriously that are dominated by trendy buzzwords.

Never got the Flash as a superhero. Running fast is a superpower so lame it rivals the powers of Aquaman.

Running fast would be a great superpower for a French superhero.

Begin the Day With a Friendly Voice, a Companion Unobtrusive

In Ohio, a hacker accessed a family’s baby monitor and started yelling at the them.

Great. You just KNOW Michelle Obama’s gonna steal this idea for her “Let’s Move!” initiative.

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