It’s the Only Logical Response

A new word-discouragement campaign at Duke University says that phrases such as “man up” use offensive gender-stereotypes.

So? What’ll they do if you say it? Hit you like a girl?


  1. So? What’ll they do if you say it? Hit you like a girl?

    Probably require you to take a class from one of the eighty-eight clowns who took out the full-page ad declaring that the lacrosse players were guilty of rape, and have never so much as apologized.

  2. Alternate & ambiguous phrases that are okay:

    “Grow a pair!” (Of what? Parakeets?)

    “Buck up!” (You should see dictionary . reference . com’s list for this one.)

    “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!” (Basically, stop sucking!)

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