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Dartmouth College canceled a charity fundraising event because one student complained that the word “fiesta” was racist.

Would it be racist to describe this as “estupido”?


  1. So that makes St. Paddy’s Day and Oktoberfest racist (or culturalist), and therefore off-limits, too? Talk about drinkonian.

    Wait, now I’m confused: we’re required to embrace “Kwanzaa,” but forbidden to assimilate Fiesta? Are there any consistent rules?

  2. I think if I was in college in this day and age I would purposely find the most petty things to whine and snivel about as racist, or homophobic, or sexist just to see if I could get the administration to take the bait and cancel whatever it was they had planned.

  3. “We felt that the possibility of offending even one member of the Dartmouth community was not worth the potential benefits of having the fundraiser,”

    All proceeds would have gone toward cardiac care

    So it’s worth people dying to avoid offending one person?

    I really hope that one person dies from a heart attack, asap.

  4. I find this conclusive proof that Dartmouth henceforward has no basis in fact to acclaim itself an “Institute of Higher Learning”, or any other kind of learning for that matter.

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