Straight Line of the Day: After Spending Over 5 Billion Dollars on Obamacare Websites…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

After spending over 5 billion dollars on Obamacare websites…


  1. After spending over 5 billion dollars on Obamacare websites…

    the government has decided on a new motto, “To infinity and beyond!”

    they discovered it was the newest “Nigerian” scam.

    they found that they were all “SFW” photos.

    they found out they only had $23.76 on them so had to hit up their brother-in-law for the rest.

  2. After spending over 5 billion dollars on Obamacare websites…

    …”a boat is hole in the water to throw money in” is no longer a valid metaphor.

    …Obama still hasn’t blinked.

    …my wallet feels a little lighter.

    …an internal audit found that $78.32 went to Obamacare website funding. $4,999,999,921.68 was spent on Obamacations and mom jeans

  3. …Obama sneered at the Russians, who paid $12.99 for the same software for their recent satellite launch and achieving only marginally better results.

    …it was determined that if you wanted to keep your 5 billion dollars sticking it where the sun don’t shine was no place to hide it from Nancy Pelosi.

    …Obama finally understood that computer code can be created with 1s and 0s not printed on various denominations of paper currency.

    …we were reminded that this WILL lead to guys having to turn their heads and coughing and people should be paid a lot of money to suffer through administering that test.

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