Fixing What They Wrecked in “The Missing Scarf”

This is a cute, odd, and charmingly optimistic video, skillfully narrated by George Takei.

But filmmakers are an odd lot, and this one chose to tag this pleasant story with something that ruined it.

So, I’m untagging and unruining it, and I’m clipping it at the 5:34 mark, because nothing of any importance or worth happens after this point.

You are free to seek out the full video and watch the ending for yourself, but I promise that it will not brighten your day by even so much as a single lumen, and I’d recommend that you instead spend that time kissing your wife or hugging your child.

[TubeChop Direct Link]

Listening to the Wrong Foreigners

A San Diego State University sophomore was forced to remove an American flag from his balcony after apartment managers said the display “could offend foreign people”.

Really? Which ones? The millions we liberated or the millions who want to move here?

Link of the Day: Satire – Obama Deploys 3,000 Troops To Catch Ebola

[High Praise! to RAML via The Duffel Blog]

Obama Deploys 3,000 Troops To Catch Ebola

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Finally! A Non-Annoying Use for RC Quadcopters

No deeper meaning here. Just enjoy the perfectly executed choreography.

[SPARKED: A Live Interaction Between Humans and Quadcopters] (Viewer #462,598)

Oh, and a “making of” video, if you’re curious.


John Kerry said that “nearly every country on earth” has an “interest” in defeating ISIS.

Pity the only nation with the ability lacks a President with the guts.

Technically, You’re a Millionaire

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]