Finally! A Fun Use for RC QuadCopters

First-person-view racing. It’s like the Podracing in Star Wars Episode I except without all the stupid CGI, annoying sound effects, and Jar-Jar.

[Drone racing star wars style Pod racing are back!] (Viewer #784,062)

It Works for Everything Else, Right?

Fearing Ebola, five schools in Dallas are set to install remote temperature monitors in order to detect fevers among students.

Seems kind of expensive. Why not just post “Ebola-free zone” signs?

Link of the Day: Hope You Didn’t Have Plans for the Rest of the Day

[High Praise! to Nathan Friend]


The fun in this assumes you are at least passing-familiar with the Spirograph drawing toy.

I’ve actually used one, in all its frustrating glory, so I love that you don’t have the heartbreaking misery of gear slippage with this.

Anyway, I want to point out that on the left hand side, there is a grey bar, whose purpose is not intuitive. Slide that up and down to reveal more gears.

Also, I have no idea how to put the little gear on the outside of the ring. If anyone figures that out, leave a comment.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Public Education

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]

It’s All In the Report

At the morning White House Press briefing, Josh Earnest said it was “demonstrably true” that al Qaeda has been “decimated”.

Oh, what happened? Did ISIS behead them?

Clarity: Achieved

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]