Link of the Day: Hope You Didn’t Have Plans for the Rest of the Day

[High Praise! to Nathan Friend]


The fun in this assumes you are at least passing-familiar with the Spirograph drawing toy.

I’ve actually used one, in all its frustrating glory, so I love that you don’t have the heartbreaking misery of gear slippage with this.

Anyway, I want to point out that on the left hand side, there is a grey bar, whose purpose is not intuitive. Slide that up and down to reveal more gears.

Also, I have no idea how to put the little gear on the outside of the ring. If anyone figures that out, leave a comment.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]


  1. Used both Spirograpgh and, I seem to remember, Super Spirograph, as a kid.

    Note to 4of7:

    This is what keeps throwing me on your designs. They emphatically do NOT follow a mathematically-predictable path, which goes against all Spirograph-taught expectations. Curse you, Spirograph! !!!!!

  2. Also, I have no idea how to put the little gear on the outside of the ring. If anyone figures that out, leave a comment.

    Switch from rotating to fixed (upper left corner).

    (It’s gonna take all day to stop playing with this…)

  3. @5 Steve H – not quite what I was hoping for. I can put a gear on the outside of another gear, but I can’t put a gear on the outside of a ring. It defaults to inside when you choose the ring. But the ring has teeth on the outside, so I should be able to have the gear rotate around the outside of it, shouldn’t I?

  4. #7 – Anonymiss,
    Every time we accomplish a task successfully, we give ourselves a little reward of endorphins. (It’s Science!)
    That’s why success makes us feel happy.
    When I’m drawing, I get a jolt of endorphins with every line I draw, every block of color I apply.
    Since my average picture contains hundreds of lines and blocks of color, by the time I finish each one, I’m higher than a kite!
    Yeah, it feels pretty awesome, I guess. šŸ˜€

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