
[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]


  1. Rock the Vote is officially listed as a non-partisan organization, but you and I both know that if under-informed young people tended to vote Republican there would be no Rock the Vote

  2. when I was 18 , i registered to vote. looking at statements for the various parties on what they stood for, I registered as a conservative. The first piece of political mail I received was a solicitation to join the John Birch society. I did not vote for 10 years.

  3. I used to have fun: My mother-in-law was a Bircher, and my father-in-law was a unionist-socialist.

    You could ask them who they were voting for, and return the following week to still hear the arguing!

  4. I don’t know if it was *called* “Rock the Vote* when I was in college, but the “party” on the quad was the liberals trying to get votes in the upcoming Presidential Election.

    They stopped talking to me when they heard I was not yet of voting age.

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