What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Asked how Obamacare’s second open enrollment period would go, HHS’s Sylvia Mathews Burwell said she expects “there will be issues that will be raised as we go”.

Also, premiums.


  1. Works for a living, has to pay for insurance: Can only get or change policy during “open enrollment period”.

    Old and worked all your life and paid into Medicare for years: Must also wait for “open enrollment period”.

    Deadbeat lazy bum who’s never worked a day in your life: You need Medicaid? Sure, no problem, here’s the card, feel free to go to the emergency room in an ambulance if you sneeze. Also, here’s your free rent, here’s your EBT card, here’s your Obola phone, let us know if there’s anything else working people can be forced to give you. Are there any other names you’d like to apply with today?

    Remember, if those evil working people at the pharmacy demand you pay them a ONE DOLLAR copay for your prescriptions, you be sure and refuse to pay it, they still have to give it to you.

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