Bacon to the Headline-Arranger at the Drudge Report

Screenshot from 7:15am:


  1. 32°F doesn’t sound cold until you pair it with a 40-knot wind and a power outage. Fortunately, last night, my evil carbon burner was busy making lovely CO2 under candlelight. But I do miss burning coal, instead.

  2. Obama’s “sweeping list of executive actions on global warming” sounds like fodder for Lactose, who seems very Intolerant of such crap. As a motivator, I’ll start:

    10.) Secretly burning Michelle’s Depends in the White House burn barrel will be discontinued.
    9.) Butane fireplace starters will henceforth require a Federal permit.
    8.) Automobile heaters to require CO2 sniffers. Little kids’ noses next to the vents are not sufficient.
    7.) New, all-electric choom lighter.
    6.) Your little alcohol-burning Fondu heater? Throw it out.
    5.) Airplane engine exhaust at airports to be bagged and recycled to China.
    4.) All Federal thermometers to be re-calibrated upwards to be fair and balanced.
    3.) Excessive body heat during exercise will be monitored by satellite. You will be warned!
    2.) If you like your global warming, you can’t keep your global warming.

    and, Obama’s number one executive action on global warming will be:

    1.) Federal tire inflation stations!

  3. If they get a heavy frost here in Memphis, they close the schools and declare an emergency.
    When we had a ‘snow day’ back in North Dakota when I was a kid, mom would send us out to dig tunnels in the snowdrifts around the house just to get us out from under her feet for a few hours.
    Ah, the good old days.

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