How Have Your Lives Changed?

So Punch Your Inner Hippie has been out a day now. It took me a number of months to write the book, but I assume it reads quicker than that. Anyway, I’m hoping to hear back from you on how my book has changed your life and what you’ve achieved thanks to its advice. Also, there aren’t any reviews for it yet on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and wouldn’t you like to be the very first person to review my book? You could put that on your resume.

So anyway, keep reading. Keep telling all your friends about it. If you don’t have friends, tell random passersby. Just run up to them and shout about it. And then write some reviews. And tell me here you favorite lines and favorite parts of the book.

You have an assignment. Don’t be a hippie. Get to it.


  1. I haven’t finished yet, but I started reading today at the gym. The bit about dumping a man who responds to questions about feelings with anything other than confusion made me laugh so hard that I almost fell off the elliptical (I’m not super coordinated). Thus far, my favorite part.

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