Tim Scott Explains Why He’s a Republican

[Tim Scott and MSNBC] (Viewer #260,041)

Takes a little bit for him to get warmed up, but he’s on fire by the end.


  1. So… the first black Senator from a Southern state since Reconstruction gets a F rating from the NAACP? Huh.

    “The association ranked each member of Congress on support of NAACP’s policy positions based on 21 key votes cast last year in the Senate and 25 votes in the House. Fifty-nine percent of senators and 47 percent of House members received an A, and 29 percent of senators and 34 percent of House members received an F.
    On the whole, Democrats were far more likely to get high marks than Republicans. The exception were centrist Blue Dog Democrats, many of whom received Cs and Ds. (Feb. 5, 2010)
    “It doesn’t matter what party you are — if you vote with us, you’re our friend,” said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP’s Washington Bureau. “If you don’t, you’re not.”


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