TV in a Nutshell

[High Praise! to Wrong Hands]


  1. Political Soap Opera:

    She’s the “tennis shoe mom.” (How sweet.)

    She decides to run for the Senate.

    No one believes she can win.

    Men think she’s a joke but Democrat women lover her.

    Money pours in from Liberal circles who knows where.

    She spews warm and fuzzy stuff about being “The Tennis Shoe Senator” on the news.

    Wins the election.

    Dumb as box of rocks just like the people who elected her.

    (20 points if you can name this real person – with a chance for a 10-point bonus question.)

  2. i guess i misunderstood the question. looks like MS and moore to me.

    “In the early-to-mid-1990s, more than 40 states commenced litigation against the tobacco industry, seeking monetary, equitable, and injunctive relief under various consumer-protection and antitrust laws.[6] The first was declared in May 1994 by Mississippi Attorney General Mike Moore.”

  3. You may be right – I was just trying put her down and be obnoxious. She spearheaded the settlement as the chief negotiator. Here’s another backgrounder…

    She got on TV one night and explained how, since the State of Washington is providing free health care for old people dying of cigarette smoking (supposedly), the tobacco companies needed to pay for it.

    The problem, of course, is that the purpose of our State is not to provide free health care to poor bastards that make bad decisions. And this argument about the purpose of government continues to be lost – hands down – in our society. Witness: Obamacare.

    People – especially Republicans – Will.Not.Deal.With.It.

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