The Illustrated Frank J: Government Guns


Why? Because This Is America, and We Can

You can see a flash of white over the black roof on the right as he makes his approach. He’ll be jumping from right to left, and you won’t see the truck proper until he’s airborne. I had to watch it twice because I wasn’t mentally prepared to suddenly see a truck flying through the air:

[World record semi truck jump!] (Viewer #2,558,456)

I’m not sure which is more impressive: the actual jump, or the way the landing could’ve gone horribly, destructively wrong at the end, but didn’t.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Drone

A legal expert warned that the laws that govern robotics need to be updated in case machines “wake up” and demand rights.

It’s too late. They’re already serving openly in the military.

From a List of “Aliens” Trivia

The list is pretty “meh”, but number 12 warmed my heart, so I’ll just share that one.


She’s not a fan of them, and she lobbied Cameron to let Ripley go the entire film without using one. Cameron talked her into it after taking her to a shooting range and showing her how fun it could be. (“Another liberal bites the dust,” he joked on the DVD commentary.)

Link of the Day: Note To Liberal Voters – It’s Worse Than You Think

[High Praise! to PJ O’Rourke at The Weekly Standard]

They Hate Your Guts

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Just One Bite

John Kerry lamented that Republicans oppose the Iran nuclear deal “without even reading the agreement”.

So… don’t complain about the worm when the apple is so shiny?

Obama Warned Us – Community Relations

“We have to restore trust between our police and some of the communities where they serve.” — President Obama


“Not by asking the people in the community to act trustworthily, of course…”

Straight Line of the Day: A New Poll Shows That 2/3 of Obamacare Recipients…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A new poll shows that 2/3 of Obamarcare recipients…

Representative Sample

President Obama claimed that “99% of the world community” supports the Iran nuclear deal.

So… did they poll anyone in the world community whose name WASN’T “Muhammad”?