The Illustrated Frank J: Gun Debate


Not The Solution They’re Looking For

A team of scientists is working on a way to boost the brightness of clouds to reflect rays of sunlight back into space and cool the planet.

Sounds like it might work. Good luck getting THAT funded.

The Doctor Is In

[High Praise! to Springer’s Blog]

Link of the Day: A Modest Compromise

[High Praise! to Awesometific American]

A Modest Compromise

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

We’re Not Gonna Take It

Indiana’s Governor Pence said that “Indiana will not comply” with the EPA’s onerous new power plant regulations.

I say he should do it Tea Party style and start tossing coal into Lake Michigan.

Obama Warned Us – Future

“Don’t just tag them as future criminals. Reach out to them as future citizens.” — President Obama


“Just kidding… don’t reach out, run away. Seriously. These thugs are dangerous and they will hurt you.”

Straight Line of the Day: Joe Biden Said He’d Only Run for President If…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Joe Biden said he’d only run for President if…

You Can’t Win, Darth

The Christian bakery fined $135,000 for not making a gay wedding cake has received over $300,000 in donations.

Anybody else thinking about the last thing Obi-Wan said to Darth Vader?