The Illustrated Frank J: Free Market


Be Sure

In a new campaign video, Rand Paul “kills” the 70,000-page tax code using a chainsaw, woodchipper, and fire.

Nah. I’ll go with Ripley & Hicks on this one.

Dialogue on Race

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]

Link of the Day: I’d Never Considered This, and Then I Was Dying to Know the Answer

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

Who Cleans Up After Seeing Eye Dogs?

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Her Life Is So Hard

Hillary Clinton joked about the burdens of doing her hair and makeup on the campaign trail, saying “some days are better than others”.

I’ll bet Ambassador Stevens would trade her for any one of them.

Obama Warned Us – Love and Investment

“We gotta make sure boys and girls in those communities are loved and cherished and nurtured and invested in.” — President Obama


“You know, that thing parents used to do before government checks replaced fathers.”

Straight Line of the Day: To Draw a Larger Audience, the Next Republican Debate…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

To draw a larger audience, the next Republican debate

Random Thoughts: Lions, Iran, and Trump

When was the last time a lion did something that benefited society? On the other hand, dentists help us not look British.

Why is a lion the animal we freak out about when it gets hunted? Lions are mean and they bite.

“Watch Jon Stewart DESTROY his anti-matter counterpart when they collide.”

I just can’t take Objective C seriously because it’s boolean values are “YES” and “NO”. Was it made for three year olds?

And what’s with the bracket function calls? “I’m going to have C language do function calls like Lisp because I’m a dangerous psychopath.”

I like Swift, though. No semicolon seems natural. If every line needs a semicolon, then no line needs it.

They should do something like the Dummies series but instead for journalists like “Christianity for Journalists” and “Guns for Journalists”.

Biden needs to enter the race to give the Democrats a wider selection of elderly white people.

So Five Guys still batting about .500 on remembering bacon for to go orders. They owe me like $50 of bacon by now.

Yeah, I’m a sucker.

Wow. Agents of SHIELD way better in second season. All the boring characters were made interesting. Coulson actually least interesting.

I went from actively rooting for Skye’s death to caring about her character.

First we elect president Biden. Then he gets kidnapped by ninjas. And then we get Bad Dudes for real.

Dentists are killing lions at an alarming rate of 1.

Wait… we’re not supposed to destroy robot hitchhikers?

Can’t we all agree that Trump and Jeb are both equally horrible and idiotic choices?

First episode of Love Gov is well over 500k views. Hope everyone checked it out, as it’s awesome.

Jeb said something stupid? No time to tell me what it was; lets just dump him.

I’m kind of proud about how the amount I care about lions remains fairly constant.

Ayatollah: “Death to America!”
Obama: *whispering* “`To be honest, that’s fine with me come 2017.”

Half of the Clintons’ charitable donations are to The Clinton Foundation. The other half is to The Human Fund.

Would be neat to see an Obama versus Trump debate. They’re at about the same level of obnoxiousness.

Is Five Night’s at Freddy’s guy setting some sort of sequel record, as we’re to number 4 and it hasn’t even been a year since 1st released?

Not criticizing Five Nights at Freddy’s. Each sequel has changed up the gameplay and been an increase in quality.

Can we least admit violently dismembering tiny humans because they inconvenience us is not the most civilized thing humanity has ever done?

Good debate question for Jim Gilmore: “Can you prove you exist?”

I’m sorry John Stewart passed away. He mad me laugh a few times.

This Trump phenomenon is a bit like watching Naked Gun with someone who’s convinced it’s a dramatic thriller.


Vice President Joe Biden is recovering from a bruised lip which he received while roughhousing with a dog.

Huh. Normally that’s where Joe gets shoe-leather friction-burns.