The Illustrated Frank J: Biden 2016


More Laws

In a BBC interview, President Obama said “we do not have sufficient common-sense gun-safety laws.”

Really? I always thought that that one Amendment was plenty.

The One Good Thing About Hillary

[High Praise! to After Math]

Link of the Day: 15 Optical Illusions

[High Praise! to]

15 Optical Illusion GIFs Designed To Make You Feel Like A Lunatic

Generally I hold animated GIFs in the same high regard I hold blink tags, but they seem to function ok for this purpose.

Sadly, they don’t have any source linkage to where you can study these items at your leisure.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

No Message

Hillary Clinton told reporters that she never sent or received classified information using her private e-mail server.

Well, certainly nothing that said “help is on the way”, anyhow.

Obama Warned Us – Statistics

“A growing body of research shows that people of color are more likely to be frisked, stopped, questioned, detained.” — President Obama


Also, statistically more likely to commit crimes than their proportion in the general population, but… SQUIRREL!”

Straight Line of the Day: President Obama’s Plan to Improve Computers…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

President Obama’s plan to improve computers

Random Thoughts: Fantastic 4, College Costs, and Tromp

Let my daughter watch Jem the other day and now I can’t get the theme song out of my head.

Never got over the suspicion that Jem was inauthentically outrageous, despite repeated assertions to the contrary.

Didn’t watch the debates, but interesting that women – Carly Fiorina and Megyn Kelly – are dominating all the talk about them.

And neither of them got where they are through marriage.

I like Tromp! He is angry and yells at people! Need more Tromp!

“So do you want some sort of coherent politically philosophy, or are you happy with just angry yelling?”

Apparently a large number of people can’t tell the difference between being tough and being thin-skinned and pissy.

Are there people who really didn’t get that Trump is a joke candidate until the Megyn Kelly line?

Was there anything so awful Ted Kennedy could do that he’d lose support? Such is Trump’s base.

I can still be surprised by how silly Trump gets, but I don’t take him seriously enough to get outraged.

*dog repeatedly runs into glass door*
“He never backs down! He just like hero Donald Tromp!”

I’m glad we’re finally cracking down on the number one threat to black people: Bernie Sanders.

Difference between Democrats and Republicans: Republicans are working really hard to stop the horrible person who is their frontrunner.

Why did anyone get it in there head Fantastic 4 is a great franchise to keep trying to remake? Best I can imagine it being is watchable.

There’s a rock guy, a stretch guy, and invisible girl, and someone with actual superpowers. Not much they can do.

I just don’t get the idea of making into a movie every comicbook that everyone has heard of but no one actually reads.

*chihuahua viciously attacks the shoes of everyone entering the room*
TRUMP SUPPORTER: “I think that dog is raising some legitimate points.”

The feminist future is men starving from lack of sandwiches and women being overrun with spiders.

So what did people think of season 2 of HBO’s Real Detective Stories or Detective Brand Detectives or whatever it’s called?

Is the Trump candidacy basically the plot to The Babadook?

“Sorry, President Trump can’t meet with the ambassadors from China. He has a busy day planned of responding to YouTube comments.”

Every effort the government has made to help with college costs has caused them to further skyrocket. Just stop it.

The government keeps throwing money at college and costs keep rising. So Hillary’s plan? THROW MORE MONEY AT IT! Gah!

Student debt is the symptom of the problem. What needs to be done is to finally give colleges incentives to actually cut costs.

BTW, this issue of college costs was talked about in the first episode of Love Gov.

If I were rich and smart and attractive, I’d mention that constantly in every conversation.

Wow, Trump’s position on abortion has really changed since back when he said, “Abort all the babies. They’re a bunch of slobs and losers.”

You don’t need to be politically correct, but it helps to be correct about something.

We need a fighter who will FIGHT ALL THE THINGS!

Everyone loves my novel. There’s a handful of negative reviews, but they’re all from losers and slobs.


While in Kenya, President Obama said “I suspect that some of my critics back home are suggesting that I’m back here to look for my birth certificate”.

Oh. You mean he didn’t give THAT away in the Iran deal, too?