The Illustrated Frank J: Feminism


This Is the Origin of Star Wars Trench Run

From Wikipedia:

The attack on the Death Star in the climax of the film Star Wars is a deliberate and acknowledged homage to the climactic sequence of The Dam Busters. In the former film, rebel pilots have to fly through a trench while evading enemy fire and fire a proton torpedo at a precise distance from the target to destroy the entire base with a single explosion; if one run fails, another run must be made by a different pilot. In addition to the similarity of the scenes, some of the dialogue is nearly identical. Star Wars also ends with an Elgarian-style march, like The Dam Busters.

[The Dambusters a la Star Wars] (Viewer #252,796)

Striving for Accuracy

John Kerry said the Iran deal was hard to get because “the Ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy”.

John’s job: convincing them that we were just gullible, instead.

No Secrets!

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]

Link of the Day: Six Word Science Fiction Stories

[High Praise! to io9]

Write Some Six-Word Science Fiction Stories for Us!

I kinda liked:

“Sure, buddy. ‘Humans.’ Whatever you say…”

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Several climate scientists have pointed out that Obama’s new EPA rules will do nothing to fix global warming.

Great. They’re like Obamacare for coal.

Obama Warned Us – Jobs

The economy is still improving – but there’s more work to do. Read more about the latest jobs report:


“Sadly, there are STILL some people working 40 hours a week. Curse you, job lock!”

Straight Line of the Day: The FBI Found That the Only Thing Hillary Didn’t Wipe Off Her Email Server…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The FBI found that the only thing Hillary didn’t wipe off her email server…

I Say We Wrap It In Asphalt to Seal in the Freshness

President Obama rolled out new heavy-handed EPA regulations, saying “we’ve only got one planet”.

And if we had two, liberals wouldn’t let us use that one, either.