The Illustrated Frank J: Tuition Plan


I’m Surprised No One Complained That It Was Offensive to Muslims

A new report shows one underperforming New York public school assigned “The Three Little Pigs” as reading to a class of 11th graders.

I guess we should just be happy they can count that high with a public school education.

Link of the Day: Is The Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?

[High Praise! to Springer’s Blog]

Is The Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

A Big Task

5 years later, 10 Tea Party groups are still waiting for the IRS to approve their tax-exempt status.

Haven’t seen a stall like this since the Augean Stables.

Hillary’s Deleted Yoga Emails

[High Praise! to Hope n’ Change Cartoons]

[reference link]