The Illustrated Frank J: No Scandal


The Source of Everything Toxic

Oceanographers are reporting an unprecedented bloom of toxic algae that spans the Pacific Coast from California to Alaska.

What happened? Was there a government algae-eradication program?

Link of the Day: The Stories Behind TV Production Company Closing Logos

[High Praise! to Den of Geek]

The Stories Behind TV Production Company Closing Logos

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Flight Safety Lecture: Amusing Version

Personally, I find it even more entertaining because he bears a passing resemblance to Harry Mudd

[The best safety instructor ( Flight attendant)(original )] (Viewer #8,323)

Talk About Him Like a Dog

In Philadelphia, a service dog called 911 to save her blind owner from a fire.

If Obama had been the dog, bet his first move would’ve been to try negotiating for smaller flames.

[title reference link]

Technically, Those Movies COULD Have Had Those Titles

[High Praise! to XKCD]