The Illustrated Frank J: Serious About Trump


As a side note, I Googled “crazy Trump supporters”, and I noticed there are no pictures depicting his fans as racists or oddly-dressed fringy lunatics. If Trump gets the nomination, expect that to change in a heartbeat.

Heh… I remember early in the 2008 primaries when that “Maverick” McCain thought he held a loving press in the palm of his hand…

Flashback: The 2007 Rock Paper Scissors Championship

[2007 USARPS Title Match] (Viewer #984,035)

Apparently this was an actual thing, and not a parody of an actual thing.

My favorite line from the comments:

I was also a fan of the Avalanche (Rock Rock Rock), Fistful o’ Dollahs (Rock Paper Paper), and the Lawnmower (Scissors Scissors Scissors).

Bad Apples

The Coca-Cola company is funding scientists whose reports shift the blame for obesity away from bad diets.

They should be ashamed of themselves. If they wanted to do sham science for money, the should’ve taken a climate change gig.

Econ 101: Nautical Version

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]

Link of the Day: A Little Mudder’s Milk for Firefly Fans

[High Praise! to Nerd Approved]

‘Firefly’ Goes Pulp Fiction As Part Of A New Trading Card Set

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

That’ll Fix It

North Korea has turned its clocks back half an hour and created its own time zone.

Yes, because being too much like the rest of the world was North Korea’s biggest problem.

Obama Warned Us – Clean Power Plan

Watch this video to find out why the Clean Power Plan matters in the fight to #ActOnClimate:


“It matters because it’s a better name than ‘Expensive Electricity Scheme’.”

Straight Line of the Day: Starbucks Will Now Be Serving…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Starbucks will now be serving

Are You Kidding?

In Kentucky, a hospital is struggling to accommodate a 768-pound patient that it’s treating.

OK, is that a real story, or just a metaphor for government health care?