The Illustrated Frank J: Gender


Efficient? No. Effective? Yes

Every year, local communities on either side of the Apurimac River Canyon use traditional Inka engineering techniques to rebuild the Q’eswachaka Bridge. The entire bridge is built in only three days. The bridge has been rebuilt in this same location continually since the time of the Inka.

[The Bridge at Q’eswachaka] (Viewer #853,185)

Do People Even Remember Doorbells Anymore?

A study on Facebook shows that people are using “LOL” less and “haha” more.

You know, if you actually visit your friends in person, no one cares how you spell your laugh.

Oh, I *Wish* He Were This Competent

[High Praise! to Liberal Logic 101]

Link of the Day: Still Less Scary Than Obamacare

[High Praise! to Basic Instructions]

Professor Milo Strunk: Civil War Anesthesiologist

You’ll need to scroll down to where it says “So, Ric and I were talking…” and begin reading from there

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Another Tax for Not Doing Something

Seattle is planning to hit all weapons and ammo with a “gun violence tax”.

So… can you get a refund if you only shoot paper targets and animals?

Obama Warned Us – Iran Deal

“As Americans, we should be proud of this achievement.” – President Obama #IranDeal


“Also as Americans, we should thank our lucky stars we’re not Israelis.”

Straight Line of the Day: You Can Tell a Robot Is About to Take Your Job When…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

You can tell a robot is about to take your job when…

Just Ask Vince

One Clinton fundraiser host admitted he only donated to get “a seat at the table”.

This is the Clintons you’re dealing with. Might want to bring a food taster.

[title reference link]