Insomniac Theater Presents…

Despite the sun being covered by clouds a lot, the production values and labeling of the compass points still make for an engaging experience.

[] (Viewer #30,349)

In the summer time at Scott Base the sun is above the horizon for 4 months, from roughly the end of the third week of October until the end of the third week of February. This shows the movement of the sun over a full 24 hour period near the peak of summer.

Camera was set to take a photo once every one minute and one second (so that the second hand would be moving). Lens was set on f22 to get enough depth of field to have the watch and horizon both in focus. A modified Orion equatorial telescope mount was used to track the sun. Camera and tracking powered by solar panel and batteries.


A new study shows that smart people tend to live longer.

Makes sense, if for no other reason than they are less likely to say things like “hold my beer and watch this”.

Link of the Day: What? And Give Up Show Biz?

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

13 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Movie and TV Extras

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Our Bad

Fidel Castro marked his 89th birthday by insisting the United States owes Cuba “many millions of dollars” because of 50 years of the American trade embargo.

Yes, of course. Also, we somehow made communism not work.

Clean Up on Aisle One

[High Praise! to After Math]

[reference link]