Reasons to Be Twitchy

A new study shows that people who are tense, moody, and neurotic are more likely to be creative geniuses.

Or they may be coal company executives dealing with the EPA.

Oddly, Not Getting a Vanity Fair Cover

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

Although my knowledge of transvestism also includes Flip Wilson and Milton Berle.

Link of the Day: Hillary’s New Job

[High Praise! to Springer’s Blog]

A Win-Win For Both Of Them…

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Buyer’s Remorse

Senior Clinton campaign officials are claiming that she has already secured one-fifth of the delegates needed to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

So? Some people bought Edsels the first day they rolled off the line, too.

I Wish I Was Making This Up

I am sure by now that everyone is aware of the Iran “nuclear deal”, which basically says “g’ahead Iran, spin them centrifuges”, and how that doesn’t sound like a deal at all but a capitulation by the US. But, I guess the Obama administration thinks it’s a good idea for Iran to enrich uranium, seeing as it’s only fair since the US can enrich all of the uranium we want, amiright?

Well, except the US can’t enrich any uranium. I mean zero, nadda, null. The US currently has no domestic uranium enrichment capabilities. I bet few Americans actually knew that.

For many decades up until a few years ago, the US enriched its own uranium for commercial and national security use using the old Manhattan Project era gas diffusion method. I don’t want to get too detailed about it, but it’s old tech and very inefficient. The US plan? Do what everyone else in the world is doing and research using gas centrifuges. But us being America, we gotta make ’em bigger and better than anyone else’s.

So the Carter administration actually started the ball rolling on such a program and in the 1980s the government built a facility next to the Department of Energy’s operating gas diffusion plant in Piketon, OH. Research and development continued and lots of centrifuges spun until the DOE pulled the plug in 1985. The facility was mothballed and the US uranium enrichment future looked bleak.

In the 1990s, the Clinton administration and Congress directed the DOE to privatize their enrichment operations. USEC Inc., the company formed from this, then began to look earnestly at the old centrifuge facility and started cleanup and rennovation. By the late 2000s, they had centrifuges spinning again, albeit a much smaller amount compared to the original program. Unable to gain enough investors due to a shaky uranium market (where all other enrichment operators were fully or partially state owned), the DOE’s unwillingness to authorize a loan guarantee, and the permenant shutdown of the last US enrichment operation, USEC filed Chapter 11 and was renamed Centrus Energy, while it’s shares were shuffled around to creditors.

Certain folks in government got nervous about this, namely the NNSA and quite a few congress members, and decided it would be in our national security interest to keep the centrifuges running and testing continuing, so that they could finance building several cascades for NNSA use in the near future when funding was available and the details worked out. So the DOE and ORNL, along with Congress, began funding the project last year setting a lot of technical milestones (which were all met), while the NNSA discussed their plans for several cascades of centrifuges for their use.

On September, 11 of this year (seriously), the DOE announced that they were no longer going to fund the centrifuges at Piketon, OH after the end of the month and would only fund research and design activities on a much smaller scale in Oak Ridge, TN, effectively shutting down the US’s own uranium gas centrifuge program for the second time.

As the title says, I am not making this up. The Obama administration is basically saying Iran should run uranium centrifuges, but we can’t afford to, even if by not doing so we are putting ourselves at risk of losing our nuclear capabilities in the future.

What we really can’t afford to do is not enrich our own uranium, while at the same time allowing Iran to do so.

Obama Warned Us – Iran Deal Myths

Check out Secretary of State @JohnKerry’s op-ed debunking some of the myths surrounding the #IranDeal.


“And I can honestly say he debunks as well as he makes treaties.”

Straight Line of the Day: Concerned Over Her Drooping Poll Numbers, Hillary Clinton Thinks Her Campaign Just Needs More…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Concerned over her drooping poll numbers, Hillary Clinton thinks her campaign just needs more…

Random Thoughts: Trump, Sanders, and Apple

It’s kinda like Bernie Sanders’s ideas were frozen in amber while the rest of him aged.

Apple: We weren’t going to make a stylus until we could figure out how to make you pay a hundred bucks for it.

Interesting if the election is between Sanders, a socialist, and a Trump, a… buffoon who gets pissy. I don’t know what my point is.

Presidential elections were invented to keep the most awful people in our country busy.

So proud. My daughter got her first trophy in Mario Kart. And it was a gold.

To all the people bad-mouthing Trump, I would point out there are benefits to the president being an obvious clown.

Iran signed onto the deal when they got the agreement changed from “probably won’t nuke anyone” to “maybe won’t nuke anyone.”

TRUMP: “Sorry I’m late. Spent an hour screaming at a squirrel. Anyway, I’ve taken all your houses through eminent domain.”
*crowd goes wild*

If Elon Musk really wants to nuke Mars, may I propose to head up a test plan to nuke something in space quite a bit closer.

“I’m pleased to announce that your current iPhone 6 is now a piece of crap you wouldn’t even give to a monkey.”

Apple: “If there’s a moment of the day you’re not staring at a screen, we’re failures.”

Hillary’s strategists say she needs to loosen up and cackle more.

If only there were some religious people in the Middle East who could help the needy like the Syrian refugees.

TRUMP: *bites head off live puppy* “I never liked the Bill of Rights.”
PUNDITS: “This should sink him.”
*Trump’s poll numbers go up*

At this rate, Donald Trump will be the single, awfullest human being the world has ever seen and win the primary with 99% of the vote.

It’s hard to get excited for Verizon’s 5G service.
“Now I’ll be able to use up my monthly data limit in 3 seconds!”

Evolution is a scientific theory that’s nothing but useless trivia to 99% of people. Stop treating it like a religious worldview.

Just to be clear, a position Obama held in 2008 when the left heralded him as the most enlightened being ever is now super bigoted?

“We suddenly decided the basic understanding ppl had about marriage for 1000s of years is bigoted. Why isn’t everyone going along with it?”

Trump fans care about Trump’s foreign affairs knowledge in the same way Tom Brady fans care about his foreign affairs knowledge.

I kinda like Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t seem like a politician but someone with real, sincere beliefs. Related: He’s a nut job.

Isn’t it time for James Bond to be played by an American faking a bad cockney accent?

Anyone who has paid any attention to politics over the past 100+ years knows “tax the rich” always ends up “tax the middle class”.

I’m pretty sure everyone agrees Hillary is hugely corrupt. Her supporters have this fantasy, though, that she’s also competent.

On my politician ranking scale, the highest possible rank is “harmless idiot”.

“We can’t defund the Nazis! Some of them do cancer screenings!”

By now we’ve realized that Trump could start murdering his own supporters and the only ones he’d lose would be the ones he murdered.

President Obama is finally trying to help the middle class, as their second biggest concern according to polls is misnamed mountains.

PREZ: “Find anything out about the phenomenon?”
DOG SCIENTIST: “No. Looked at it. Tilted head slightly – tried every analytical technique.”

Review of Our Solar System: “Random yet boring selection of planets, only one of which is (barely) habitable. One star.”

If there was an actual movement to confiscate guns in this country, it would cause a civil war between people with guns and people without.

There was huge crime surge starting in the 1960s because that was the decade guns were invented.

College costs sky-rocketed when the government tried to make it more affordable. Just wait until they try and make it free.

Patriarchy? Did you even bother to ask all your oppressors what gender they identify as?

It would be easier to take Trump supporters seriously if they stopped doing insane, incoherent things like supporting Donald Trump.

Big Bird needs government funds to survive as much as Mickey Mouse does.

I really think we should expand our search for presidents beyond the immediately family of previous presidents and 90s novelty acts.

The Hillary email story is no a big deal. There’s nothing in Constitution preventing someone from being elected president while in prison.

After years of divide, the country was finally brought together in 2018 to help rescue President Biden from being trapped down that well.

Another Global Warming Problem

NASA scientists say that sea levels could be rising faster than previously predicted.

That’s bad. Does the space program even have the budget to launch people above sea level?