Another Global Warming Problem

NASA scientists say that sea levels could be rising faster than previously predicted.

That’s bad. Does the space program even have the budget to launch people above sea level?


  1. So now scientists tell us what “could be” happening? The possibilities are endless….

    NASA scientists “could be” propagandists who are told to make dire predictions to scare mindless Obama voters who can’t do 5th grade math.

    Seems valid to me.

    When they say “rising” it’s measured in millimeters….. and their big scary graph says it’s gone up…3.2 MILLIMETERS a year (.0104987 feet)…so from that, they claim it’s going to rise 6200 mm “by the next century”?? That’s 85 years from now.
    How do you even measure something as big as an ocean going up 0.125984 inches?? Seems like there’s a mighty big margin of error.

    3.2 x 85years = 272 I’m not a scientist but they seem to be off by 5928 mm

    272 mm = .892388 feet SO all the billions of acres of land that is .892388 feet above sea level is DOOMED!!!!!!!

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