The Illustrated Frank J: Govtz Got Mad Skillz!


A Crisis Gone to Waste?

White House spokesman Josh Earnest called the recent surge in gun sales “tragic”.

Why? Because the libs didn’t think to implement a gun sales tax before sales jumped?

Pandemonium in Paris

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

[Wizard of Oz reference link]

Link of the Day: Oh Look – NOW Lefties Object to Vandalism Disguised As Art

[High Praise! to The American Mirror]

‘Jihad free zone’ signs appear around southern California


Submitted by Michael [High Praise!]

Lettuce ‘three times worse’ for environment than bacon, new study says

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

This Is What Objectivity Looks Like

Journalists were seen shouting and jumping for joy after representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed to adopt the Paris Agreement plan to fight global warming.

Understandable. Some people in France did the same when the Nazis rolled into Paris.

Obama Warned Us – Truth

Get the facts on important issues like climate change — join the OFA Truth Team:


“Because REAL truth is always preceded by an adjectival acronym.”

Straight Line of the Day: In New York, a Muslim Judge Was Sworn in on a Koran. Next Up: a ________ Judge Sworn in on ________

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

In New York, a Muslim judge was sworn in on a Koran. Next up: a ________ judge sworn in on ________

This Could Be the Best Show on TV

HBO is developing a new series about Jihadi recruitment.

I say make it a sitcom, and every episode should include the phrase “Oh my Allah! Kenny detonated prematurely!”