The Illustrated Frank J: Bernie’s Boys


What’s the Average of Food and Poison?

During a campaign stop in Iowa, Hillary Clinton gaffed “I wouldn’t keep any school open that wasn’t doing a better than average job”.

Actually the plan has merit, but just to be sure, we should test it on federal employees, first.

Link of the Day: I Always Look Dorky in Photos. This Might Help

[High Praise! to Design You Trust]

6 Little Secrets To Help You Look Absolutely Perfect On Photographs

And, from the comments “#7: Don’t Be Ugly

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

That’s Not a Group You’re Allowed to Hate

Bette Midler said that she blames the recent spate of December warm weather on “ignorant selfish climate deniers”.

I thought the warm weather was from El Nino? So… Bette hates Mexicans?

This Is Like Obama’s “Inconceivable”

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]