The Illustrated Frank J: The True Conservative


What’s the Point of This Agency Again?

In Florida, a man pulled over a motorist, identified himself as a Homeland Security officer, demanded to see his license, confiscated his cash, and left.

And yet STILL did about as much to protect the homeland as a real DHS agent.

How to Stop Islamic Terror

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[reference link]

Link of the Day: Jedi Are Evil, and the Empire Was… Well, Fairly Decent As Bloated Government Bureaucracies Go

[High Praise! to The Washington Free Beacon]

Are Droids Slaves?: In Star Wars, droids aren’t robots or comic relief – they’re chattel

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Total Recall

Good news for Alzheimer’s sufferers – a new vaccine which “attacks the tangles in the brain which cause memory loss”.

So now there’s finally hope that we might get answers at Hillary’s next Benghazi hearing.

Obama Warned Us – Optimism

“The number one reason I’m optimistic going into 2016: It’s you – the American people.” – President Obama


“Or at least the 52% of the American people who were race-guilted enough to reelect a president with $4 a gallon gas and 8% unemployment”.

Straight Line of the Day: Obama’s New Gun Control Executive Order…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Obama’s new gun control executive order…

He Says They Don’t Deserve This Treatment

During his Hawaiian vacation, President Obama took his family to visit the Honolulu Zoo.

I’m surprised he didn’t declare all the animals harmless and release them like Gitmo inmates.