The Illustrated Frank J: The “Good” Clinton?


Remain Calm. All Is Well.

After a recent nuclear test, North Korea now claims it has a Hydrogen Bomb.

President Obama said it’s nothing to worry about. Now if they had a CARBON bomb…

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Link of the Day: Don’t Trust Anything on the Internet. Well… Maybe This Warning About Internet Untrustworthiness

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

Quotes Behaving Badly: 9 Quotes That Are Wrong, Dishonest, Mis-attributed or Idiotic

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

A Career With More Nothing Than a Seinfeld Marathon

United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon says he has spent “most of my time and energy” in the job focused on one issue – climate change.

Ironically, the one global problem he doesn’t blame on Israel.

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Wasn’t Weepy One of the Seven Dwarves?

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

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