The Illustrated Frank J: Too Predictable to Need a Spoiler Alert


Not the Choice *I’d* Make

A new poll shows Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton by 14 points in New Hampshire.

Apparently the “Live Free of Die” state is now choosing the latter.

Link of the Day: Beating Up Nazis – The Only Time Commies Were Cool

[High Praise! to Neatorama]

The Witches of Stalingrad

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

I’m Not Sure Which One to Pick

A new viral video shows 140 unfulfilled Obama pledges from past SOTU addresses.

I’m taking bets: at the end of his term, will he have more broken promises or golf games?

The Only SOTU Reaction That Matters

[High Praise! to AfterMath]