A Career With More Nothing Than a Seinfeld Marathon

United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon says he has spent “most of my time and energy” in the job focused on one issue – climate change.

Ironically, the one global problem he doesn’t blame on Israel.

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  1. Reporter: “How much are these global warmists paying you?”
    Ban Ki-moon: “Let’s just say that I don’t have to worry about working for a while. A long while.”
    Reporter: “That’s funny because I haven’t seen you working for a while. A long while.”
    Ban Ki-moon: “Yeah, and you’re not going to, because I’m hanging it up. Boys, I’m retiring.”
    Reporter: “From what?”
    Ban Ki-moon: “From the grind. I mean, who needs it? I mean, I’ve accomplished everything I’ve set out to do.”
    Reporter, seeing that Ban-Ki Moon has a new watch: “What’s that?”
    Ban Ki-moon: “Oh, I bought myself a little retirement gift. Gold watch.”


    Reporter: “So where have you been looking for proof of global warming?”

    Ban Ki-moon: “Well, you know what I’ve discovered? It’s not so much the looking as the listening. I listen for global warming. And as I’m looking and listening I am also looking. You can’t discount looking. It’s sort of a combination. It’s looking, and listening, listening and looking. But you must look.”

  2. U.N. STAFFER: Yeah, I’ll talk to Ban. Yeah, [Hangs up] . . . you know that was the Terrorism Task Force, Michael and Carol. She’s wondering when we’re going to come over and see Bibi.

    BAN KI-MOON: Oh, see Bibi; again with the Bibi…

    REPORTER: Who are they?

    BAN KI-MOON: Uh, he’s this guy who used to live in the building and they keep calling us to see Bibi.
    (imitates) Ya’ gotta see Bibi. When are ya’ gonna see Bibi?… Can’t they just send us a tape?

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