Correlation Does Not Equal Causation. Confession, Though…

The mayor of Philadelphia said that the Islamic man who shot a police officer has “nothing to do with being a Muslim.

The shooter… disagrees.


  1. Always read the fine print in the Liberal Playbook:

    “Everyone can self-identify as anything they want to be.”*

    *EXCEPT for Muslims who yell “Allahu Akbar” and announce they are shooting or beheading in the name of Allah or Islam. (Or form a terrorist organization with “Islam” in the name.) Then the liberals have to step in and correct them. See also Nazis self-identifying as socialists.

    “A strong executive is a good thing.”**

    **Unless the executive is a Conservative.


    That’s the Stephanopoulosson for today.

  2. Archer wore “Muslim garb,” a law enforcement source told Fox News. The source would not elaborate. I can elaborate…that means he wore a night shirt and a pillbox hat when he did the deed.

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