Harsh, But Fair

With Hillary’s email scandal being investigated by the FBI, a new poll shows that 53% of Democrats think a candidate should stay in the race, even if indicted.

Unless it’s a Republican, in which case a Twitter typo should be a career-ender.


  1. *53% of Democrats think a candidate Hillary should stay in the race, even if indicted, in jail, in a coma, dead, says she plans on executing anyone who disagrees with her, you name it, as long as they keep getting their welfare checks, Obamafones, free rent, free food, free “health care”, free everything and aren’t expected to work until the day they die.

  2. NOt like the Democrats don’t have a long tradition of this. Boston’s own James Michael Curley.

    Curley’s first public notoriety came when he was elected to Boston’s board of aldermen in 1904 while in prison on a fraud conviction. Curley and an associate, Thomas Curley (no relation), took the civil service exams for postmen for two men in their district to help them get the jobs with the federal government. Though the incident gave him a dark reputation in Boston’s non-Irish circles, it aided his image among the Irish American working class and poor because they saw him as a man willing to stick his neck out to help those in need. During that election, his campaign slogan was, “he did it for a friend.” He kept that reputation for the rest of his life and it was known all over the city that the poor and unemployed often lined up outside his house in the mornings to speak with him about getting a job or to get a handout of a few dollars to get them through the week.

    Oh and Not just once.

    As a result of the extensive corruption in city politics, several investigations were finally conducted against Curley’s machine. After several campaigns involving bribery, Curley finally faced felony indictment. Nonetheless, Curley’s popularity with the Irish American community in Boston remained so high, that even in the face of this indictment he was re-elected on the slogan “Curley Gets Things Done”, winning an unprecedented fourth term as mayor of Boston in 1945. A second indictment by a federal grand jury, for mail fraud, did not harm his campaign, and Curley won the election with 45% of the vote.
    His reputation as an urban populist earned him the unofficial title, “Mayor of the Poor”.

  3. I’m not a Democrat, but I certainly think that Hillary should stay in the race if she’s indicted. In fact, I think that she should be the Democrat nominee for President if and only if she’s indicted.

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