Is It Just Me, Or Is This a Video of Human Slaves Doing the Bidding of Their Cruel, Insatiable, Computerized Overlords?

[Systems at Work] (Viewer #154,076)

It’s a little slow at first, but a couple minutes in, they start getting to the sorting machinery, which held my interest quite satisfactorily.


  1. I had a moment of unintended comedy at the 2:00 mark, when some mail from a warehouse / sorting facility got handed off to a blonde in a Post-Office-blue blouse — who I thought was a postal worker — who took it into a kitchen to open the card and read it. I had to back up to convince myself that she was not a postal clerk!

    Later, there was some near-comedy as an obviously heavy box came tumbling out of a chute millimeters from hitting a box marked “Fragile.”

  2. Not like working in a grocery warehouse. The selector (order picker) wears a small computer strapped to his wrist, with w laser scanner on his forefinger. hitting F1 on the computer downloads an order, complete with the time allowed to pick the order. Selector takes an electric pallet jack with a pallet to the beginning location, scans a bar code on the rack by each pick location, and so on. Forklift operators likewise have a computer mounted on their machine, telling them every move, and tracking them throughout the day.

  3. Where’s the part where the USPS delivers my package to the wrong address, then when I complain to the lazy slobs in my PO they give me a phone number that no-one answers, and then refuse to pay insurance on the package they lost.

  4. I love the “dramatic” tone of the narrator….. and the background music is sweet! If I didn’t know better, I’d be looking for drama around every corner…. LOL…. wait…. it’s the Post Office, there IS drama around every corner.

    Of course, I have a hard time understanding how the “less than motivated” postal employee will make it out of the cozy mail truck to put a notice in our mailbox that mail isn’t being delivered because a vehicle is blocking the mail box…… if he had to get out and deliver the message…..???

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