Link of the Day: Jedi Are Evil, and the Empire Was… Well, Fairly Decent As Bloated Government Bureaucracies Go

[High Praise! to The Washington Free Beacon]

Are Droids Slaves?: In Star Wars, droids aren’t robots or comic relief – they’re chattel

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  1. Wait:


    I have to call B.S. on this whole meme.

    Did we not all observe the slavery inherent in the droids from the first second, the first instant, they appeared in the first scene of the episode?

    If you didn’t — uh — good luck with later analyses, but . . . they were slaves all along.
    They’re robots. Slavish robots. We were OK with that.

  2. wal – Anakin made C3PO – just FYI

    One of the things that is merely hinted at, although strongly, in the movies, is that Palpatine/Sidious directly controls people (“I AM the Senate”). In the book series with Admiral Thrawn, it is explicitly spelled out that Sith can exercise direct mental control over others, and Sidious controls hundreds of thousands, or more. Indeed, the loss of the Battle of Endor is blamed on the death of the Emperor, as his control over the people of the fleet increased their efficiency substantially, and the loss of his control resulted in a large enough reduction in their efficiency to result in the loss of the executor and the death star.

    So, based on that, the Emperor made slaves of hundreds of thousands, or more, and as mentioned by another, murdered billions (keep in mind that Palpatine/Sidious was running BOTH sides of the Clone Wars).

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