Link of the Day: Why Donald Trump Is the Nuclear Option

[High Praise! to Nuking Politics]

Keln’s New Years Fireside Chat

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  1. Paraphrasing something I read recently: Trump is not our candidate, he’s our murder victim. Our intended victim is the GOP.

    And incidentally, while Trump has said things in the past that make me cringe, his current, official positions on the issues make him, without question, the most conservative candidate running.See example 1 and example 2.

    He may be disingenuous in his current official positions, but so are all the rest. Plus Trump’s massive ego will drive him to actually do things in the interest of the majority of Americans which are, by definition, conservative things. In other words, if he’s going to be President, he’s going to be a great President, and thus a conservative President.

    Trump’s got my vote and I won’t even have to hold my nose like I’ve done these past few elections.

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