Obama Warned Us – Job Creation

Employers have added an average of 213,000 jobs a month over the past six months. We have to keep up this progress. http://ofa.bo/d5Ja


“Just don’t ask how many offer health insurance or are for more than 30 hours a week.”


  1. full time converted to part time = a “new job”

    Do they count all the illegals cleaning liberals toilets for $5 hr? I bet old fashioned slavery was much more expensive since you had to buy your slave and maintain them. Now they just lease them.

    Must be hard to fill all these “new jobs” since 1/3 of the adult population doesn’t feel the need to work but they’d never make up odd numbers like 213,000 though, that would be wrong and dishonest.

  2. Despite all those “New” jobs that work participation percentage still hasn’t budged. Its almost as if we are still losing jobs and adding more people to the job pool than we are creating jobs for. But its finally a miracle RECOVERY! So vote for Hillary Clinton.

  3. Hillary: ‘Don’t Let Anybody Tell You’ That ‘Businesses Create Jobs’
    Breitbart.com | October 24, 2014

    So, by process of elimination, all these new jobs must be (a) protesting the Oscars, (b) process servers on Hillary, or (c) showing up at Trump rallies to heckle him.

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