Obama Warned Us – Obamacare’s Results

Provisions in #Obamacare have helped save billions of dollars and more than 80,000 lives. Read more: http://ofa.bo/q9RY


“Other provisions, of course, cost twice both of those.”


  1. “Specifically, these provisions:

    (1) Hillary Clinton shall have nothing to do with administering Obamacare; and
    (2) Hillary Clinton shall have nothing to do with dealing with critics of Obamacare.”

  2. 80,000? Are you telling me that before “Obamacare” got started 80,000 people, what, a year? A month? Every day? Died that would have lived otherwise because, how? Simply having health insurance somehow saved them? THese people do understand the difference between Insurance and Health care, don’t they? D’uh what am I saying. Of course they don’t.

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