Obama Warned Us – Optimism

“The number one reason I’m optimistic going into 2016: It’s you – the American people.” – President Obama http://ofa.bo/g9Wf


“Or at least the 52% of the American people who were race-guilted enough to reelect a president with $4 a gallon gas and 8% unemployment”.


  1. *Although around here it’s a lot more than 4 or 5%. Like the obnoxiously parked Prius with a Feel the Bern bumper sticker, only it wasn’t on the bumper, that I accidentally spit on yesterday.
    I guess they put the sticker on the side so more people can see that they’re a$$holes, as if the car didn’t tell you that already.

  2. Obama’s Optimism Song

    Next time your found, with no boots on the ground
    There a lot to be learned, so look around . . .

    Just what made my little old aunt
    Think she was a legal immigrant?
    Anyone knows my aunt, can’t
    Stop her “Gimme welfare” rant.

    But she got high
    She got high
    We’ve got high apple-pie-in-the-sky

    So any time your gettin’ blow
    ‘Stead of lettin’ go
    Just remember that aunt:
    Oops there goes another rubber stamp,
    Oops there goes another rubber stamp,
    Oops there goes another rubber stamp:

    When there’s a 3 a.m. call, and your back’s to the wall
    There are plenty of Lerners that all could fall.

    Once there was a silly old Rahm
    Thought he could Putin (a-hole like Obam);
    No one could make that Rahm, scrahm.
    He kept “But”-ing that. Damn!

    But he got high
    He got high
    We’ve got high apple-pie-in-the-sky

    So any time your feelin’ bad
    ‘Stead of feelin’ sad
    Just remember that Rahm.
    Oops! There goes a billion-kilowatt dam!

    All problems have a trial balloon
    Chris Matthews’ll be bursting soon
    They’ve just got a photo op!
    Oops! There goes another pile of kerplop!

  3. @7 Jimmeh!

    Sorry ’bout that. Fuggeduboutit.

    But, on a positive note, glad you’re back! Were you away during XMas & New Year’s? Hope you had fun! Or, earned big ucks on Neptune’s bosom!

  4. @8 Oppo: I was away during the holidays. TEXAS! Don’t mess with it. Food is about 1/2 there. Gas a buck cheaper. Weather was in the high 70’s. Damn, that was nice. Then, “Goliath” came through and reality set in. So I came home.

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